Babies do not come home with instruction manuals. If you are prospective parents who want to learn more about pregnancy and newborn care, there are many sources out there for you. You could post questions on your Facebook page and solicit advice from anyone and everyone, but do you know their qualifications? Or maybe you prefer to google baby websites, but do you wonder if they are ever fact-checked or updated? Does it make you feel anxious just seeing so many baby books on the bookstore shelves today, never mind all the conflicting information?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, our book Raising Confident Parents: Secrets from Baby Nurses and Parents about Pregnancy, Infant Care, and Achieving Sweet Dreams is all you need!

Raising Confident Parents will help you navigate through pregnancy, delivery, and bringing your baby home. It gives you no-nonsense advice on how to get those coveted eight hours of sleep you never thought you’d see again.

Raising Confident Parents is a concise book with a treasure trove of proven parenting tactics, written by baby nurses and experienced parents who have successfully raised their children and have shared their secrets inside this book! This book will change your life!

Raising Confident Parents will tell you the truth about what to expect. It shares the secrets only baby nurses and other seasoned parents can deliver to build your confidence and help you through each step along the way.

Let’s face it, new parents do not have time to read a 300-page book to find advice on sore boobs, hemorrhoids, and how to help your baby sleep through the night. We will give you proven parenting tips in short, easy-to-read pages and in a language you can understand.


We keep hearing about how it takes a village to raise a child. Well, where is yours? Many of us have moved away from our tribe and no longer have our “village” to turn to, who can offer us sage advice, education, and support we need.

Family and friends tend to tell us tall tales about pregnancy and how easy it is to care for a new baby. They don’t want to scare you, but if they actually told you the truth, most would probably never procreate.

Parenthood can seem scary, but with Raising Confident Parents: Secrets from Baby Nurses and Parents about Pregnancy, Infant Care, and Achieving Sweet Dreams, you can build your confidence and learn to enjoy this amazing time in your life.

What we know for sure are as follows:

  • Expecting and caring for your newborn should be one of the happiest times in your life, but it can also be the most stressful. There is so much conflicting information out there about what you are expected to know and do as a new parent. Let us help you unravel the mysteries and answer the questions you may not even know to ask.
  • Hospital stays are no weekend at the Ritz, but with our labor and delivery nurse tips, you can make it as comfortable as possible
  • Know the baby must-haves that are put together by our team of baby nurses and seasoned moms. It is a list of what you will really need when you bring your baby home, not a list created by a department store.
  • So, you think you are tired now? Set your baby up for success with healthy sleep habits. These are tried and tested sleep strategies from our Dream Team to get the whole family sleeping soundly.
  • What about mommy shaming? Motherhood is supposed to be the happiest time of our lives. So why do so many moms feel bad?
  • Your pet was probably considered your first baby. We can help parents introduce their newborn to their dog. Dogs can often exhibit signs of jealousy when all the attention is suddenly turned toward the new addition, so we offer some step-by-step tips to help create a bond between man’s best friend and your baby.




“Sweet Dreams Infant Care is a godsend to all parents – whether you are a first timer or a parent for the third time. The team at Sweet Dreams Infant Care was incredibly kind and helpful with everything from nursing tips, newborn care and even post partum advice.”


“We read so many books to prepare us for becoming new parents, but there are just some things that require hands on training and assistance. Sweet Dreams Infant Care’s expertise and experience helped us transition from being nervous and awkward with our new son to feeling confident and capable. We highly recommend them and definitely will use their services again.”


“We were lucky enough to work with Sweet Dreams Infant Care after the arrival of our twins, Charlie & Kate. As first time parents we were overwhelmed. Within minutes of meeting the women of Sweet Dreams, we were relieved to know that our babies would be in capable and caring hands.”


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Learn Valuable Parenting Secrets from Baby Nurses and Veteran Parents

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